U.S. leisure singer, urine on the face of the audience during the performance ..Online Balk Police investigation

A female member of the American rock band turned online by acting bizarrely on the face of the audience on stage.
According to foreign media reports including the New York City Post on the 15th (local time), the band Brass Against took the stage at the Welcome to Rocksville concert held in Daytona, Florida on the 13th. Brass Against is a cover band based in New York City.
Member Sofia Kwon Yuristar, 36, said during the stage, "I need to pee, but I can't go to the bathroom," and said it would be better to make her urine a "show." And "I do not have my man with a can on his head," he said, looking for someone to urinate.
A man raised his hand in the crowd, and Kwon Yuristar called him on stage and ordered him to lie down, and began to actually pee on his face, where the can was placed on his forehead. The scene was filmed by the audience at the time and quickly spread online.
Those who watched the video responded such as "garbage", "disgusting", "crazy", "devil", "the world is ending", "disgusting", "both seem to have mental problems". Of course, "It's the most punk rock I've seen in a long time. Keep working." There was a response.
Kwon Yuristar was reported to police for the performance. "We have received complaints (about Kwon Yuristar's performance) through the department's Facebook account and are investigating them," Daytona Beach Police said. Obscenity exposure could face up to a year in prison or a fine of up to $1,000, according to the local media.
As the accusations grew, Brass Against told Official Twitter Inc: "We had a great time last night at 'Welcome to Rocksville,' but Sofia was taken aback. That's not what we all expected, nor will we see it again on our show. "
Twitter Inc. Video captures, Brass Against Instagram