About two weeks after recovering from his daily life with 'Weed Covid', the entertainment industry took an emergency again.
"Shindong was tested Covid-19 yesterday (11th)," Super Junior agency Label SJ officials said on November 12. Shindong, who was vaccinated with Jansen in June, reportedly had booked a booster shot (additional inoculation) on Saturday. Shindong adjusted all the broadcast schedules and went into self-pricing, and fortunately, the movement did not overlap with the Super Junior members.
On the 14th, two days after the news of Shindong's tested positive news was announced, group WEi member and actor Kim Yo-han received a Covid-19 tested positive judgment. Kim Yo-han's tested positive was adjusted to the 24th, when the first broadcast and production presentation schedule of KBS 2TV new tree Drama 'School 2021', which he appeared in, was pushed back one week. Kim Yo-han is also a case of breakthrough Infection that was tested positive two weeks after the second vaccination.
Prior to the tested positive of Shindong and Kim Yo-han, singer Lim Chang-jung, who did not receive the vaccine, was also diagnosed as Covid-19 positive.
As such, not only unvaccinated but also vaccine-capped entertainers were infected by Covid-19, and the entertainment industry received a "Covid warning". If the vaccine breaks in, there is a possibility that a large-scale Infection will occur due to the nature of broadcasting that many unspecified people collaborate without wearing masks.
I am worried that Covid-19 tested positive news that has been heard in succession will not recoil the entertainment industry, which is just about to stretch. Some say that it should be an opportunity to rein in the loosening consciousness of anti-virus after the beginning of 'Weed Covid'. Before the subtitle "Covid-19 was taken in compliance with the regulations," efforts to create a safe shooting environment as well as personal protection seem urgent.
Offline Concert, now that the field is difficult to listen to, in order not to go back to the non-face-to-face era, I need a thorough anti-virus consciousness that protects my own health as well as my colleagues and neighbors' health. Higher alert than ever is required to prevent encounters with viewers and fans from leading to Covid-19 Infection.