Jang Hyuk "Triangle with Kim Jong-kook, Yoon Eun-hye and Chae Yeon? There's something on both sides"

Actor Jang Hyuk mentiOned Kim Jong-kook's triangle during 'X-Men'
SBS Running Man' broadcasted on the 7th was played by Actor Jang Hyuk as a guest, and 'My Don Nasan Running Mountain Club' Race was held.
On this day, the members appeared in mountain climbing clothes to match the mountaineering concept. Actor Jang Hyuk, who returned to the movie 'Gangneung', appeared as a new One and went on a maple course trip together.
The members who had the first course with the rickshaw experience moved to the place and performed the first mission 'We Gon' Be Alright'. We Gon' Be Alright for 30 minutes, but more than 5 seconds of static expenses add 10,000 One. In addition, the members began to continue the conversation with the addition of the 'We Gon' Be Alright Manito' rule, which actively reacts to the comment of the partner.
Then, Jeon So-min suddenly said, "I remake the drama 'Palace'. Is not Ji Hyo's sister out?" Yoo Jae-Suk, who heard this, looked at Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo alternately, saying, "It is coarse." Kim Jong-kook and official couple Song Ji-hyo in Running Man', and Yoon Eun-hye, who has been summOned to the love line since 'X-Men', appeared in 'Palace' together.
Kim Jong-kook said, "Let's do it properly." Jeon So-min explained, "The man who synthesized his brother's face is going around." Kim Jong-kook managed to calm down and replied, "I saw it," and Yoo Jae-Suk said, "It's strange for life."
Especially Ji Suk-jin said, "Chae Yeon liked you." Yoo Jae-Suk said, "Chae Yeon is a fan," and Kim Jong-kook said, "I met Dani Alves. Chae Yeon appeared on "Star Date" in high school and met as a fan and entertainer. "
Yoo Jae-Suk said, "'Stardate' is a day or two when fans and stars meet. At that time, Chae Yeon applied for the name Jin Sook before his debut and met with the end. "Jeon So-min said," Did you go to the ski resort for One night and two days? Then when the camera is turned off, do you drink alcohol? " Kim Jong-kook explained that he was a high school student, and Yoo Jae-Suk said, "Then I met him later in 'X-Men'."
Haha recalled, "At that time, I said, 'Do you remember me?' And I said, 'I was good and I was a baby.'" Kim Jong-kook corrected, "I did not say her, but I said hello first." Jeon So-min was impressed with "I have taken a lot of drama".
Yang Se-chan, who watched this, asked, "Was it a triangle?" And Kim Jong-kook's 20-year-old best friend, Jang Hyuk, said, "There was something on both sides, not a triangle." Kim Jong-kook refuted "what is on both sides," but continued to drink water, and Jang Hyuk embarrassed Kim Jong-kook by pointing out that "it is necessary to think about him drinking water like this."