"I'm getting divorced" Park Seon-ju, Kang Leo and marriage behind-the-scenes Joint parenting routine ('I raise it')

Park Seon-ju has revealed that he is co-parenting.
24 Days broadcast JTBC's "Brave Solo parenting - I Raise" (hereinafter referred to as "I Raise") revealed a routine in common parenting.
Amy was amused with her arms flashing in the third period of KAYAK and Sooyoung classes; Amy, who boarded KAYAK, was "scared" but her face was full of smiles. Amy, who met the water, challenged from the intermittent Sooyoung class to the breaststroke, and Park Seon-ju admired her daughter's Sooyoung ability, saying, "I've never seen Sooyoung."
At that time, Park Seon-ju visited the school and had a tea time with the principal. Park Seon-ju said that he usually lives with school teachers and has attracted attention by showing the principal and the conversation between the contents of Korea and shopping information without hesitation.
Back home, Park Seon-ju quickly turned into a musician. At that time, Park Seon-ju talked to the artists who worked together on the phone, and in this process, he was surprised to speak six languages including English, French and Japanese.
After finishing his work, Park Seon-ju hastened to prepare dinner; the menu was fried soy sauce chicken; then a strange mother and daughter appeared, and Park Seon-ju said, "I am a partner who lives together. I live together. "Park Seon-ju was living with an acquaintance family who was close to her family when she was living in China. Park Seon-ju said: "Soyun Fader is in business in China; people with similar environments have gathered together. I thought it would be better than raising it alone, so I suggested that we raise it together. "
That's when Park Seon-ju recalled meeting her husband Kang Leo, who said: "I've done so much work that Burnout has come. I tried to beat the music and study cooking, but then the chef Kang Leo appeared in front of me. "He laughed," I did not study and went to marriage. "
Amy helped her mother prepare dinner and showed her skillful cooking skills, reminiscent of Father Kang Leo, from ingredients to fire control.
Park Seon-ju talked with Soyun's mother over wine, saying, "When you came to the chef last year, I liked your sister so much. Amy love is different." Park Seon-ju said, "We are divorced." "We are misunderstood, but I have never spoken even though I am actually marriage.
"I told Father, 'You'll miss Amy, but I want Amy to have a lot of experience since she was a child.'" Amy said, "I went on a plane alone and went to (protector) since I was seven years old." Park Seon-ju said, "I talk a lot about solo parenting, but I want to give my child the happiest time rather than focusing on solo parenting." "My family is happy when each life is happy."