The Return of Superman' Sayuri son Jen, Bose Corporation Baby Driver transformation during publishing meeting...
The Return of Superman' Jen transforms into 'Bose Corporation Baby Driver', which is a publishing meeting of writer Sayuri.
The 402th KBS 2TV entertainment The Return of Superman' (hereinafter referred to as The Return of Superman') will be decorated with the subtitle 'Your Haru will shine more than the stars'. Super Sayuri will hold a publishing meeting to publish her essay book, and Jen's special Haru, who is at the scene of her mother's ten days, will give a big smile to viewers.
In the open photo, Jen is wearing a neat suit, a bow tie, and socks, showing the essence of the business look. I feel the 'Bose Corporation Baby Driver' force from Jen, who looks very dignified. This is a capture of Jen dressed up to attend Sayuri's publishing meeting, and the business look is perfect, and Jen is cute and lovely, making her eyes unobtrusive.
Sayuri recently began to make books for Jen in earnest, and the meeting was also for the publication of an essay book about the changed daily life. Jen said that she cheered Sayuri, who is seriously in the meeting, with a languid look, unlike her usual playful appearance.
However, the enthusiasm of cheering was over, and the sound of Jen's meeting made the meeting scene a little loud. At this time, Sayuri said that he made Zen quiet with the weapon of Shin-Seibij Station that he had prepared. But the Shin-Seibij Station's weapon makes publishers wonder what the identity is, this time by saying it has delayed meetings by blowing bread.
Then a full-scale meeting began, and Sayuri was the back door of the book cover final confirmation to Jen. Jen, who is on a mission and carefully choosing the cover, reminds me of the real boss and laughed at the scene. How cute Bose Corporation Baby Driver Jen is. What was Jen's cover?
You can check it out on "The Return of Superman" which airs today (10th) at 9:15pm.
KBS Provision