Park Ki-ryang "Why Do not You Get Fat? Basic Metabolism = Adult Men ..I Hungry Every Three Hours" (No Sister 2)

Even if you eat a lot of cheerleader Park Ki-ryang, you can not gain weight.
On October 19, Tcast E channel 'No Sister 2' attracted attention with 15-year cheerleader Park Ki-ryang as a close Friend of Shin Soo-ji.
Shin Soo-ji, at the pre-Travel meal, said, "It is a reversal to eat well."
Park said, "It is a body that does not get fat," he said. "The basic metabolism is at the level of adult men." Park said, "I do not think it is because I run a lot." Park said, "I think so." "I am hungry once every three hours."
"There may be a lot of roundworms in the body," Park said, "I eat roundworm once every six months."