Jun Hyoseong, a singer from the group secret, revealed his conviction about 'date violence', and the netizens who encountered it are spreading their opinions, and the gender conflict seems to be deepening.
The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family posted a video on the official YouTube channel titled 'Hope Picture Campaign 8 - Jun Hyoseong', which wants to see the lenient view of dating violence disappear.
Jun Hyoseong in the public video said, "If you look at the news these days, you have more gender violence than before. I thought that if I was a campaign that could help a little, I would like to add strength together. "
"Gender violence was like an ambiguous problem on the border between love and Crime, and because of the generous atmosphere, I could find Crime's reason in the victim. The way you look at it generously should be different," he added.
In addition, Jun Hyoseong said, "In order to solve the problem, practical solutions such as education and counseling should be prepared." Whenever it gets dark, I think 'I can live safely today'. "
"I think it is a safe society where everyone is free to say their thoughts freely and love when they want to love, and to break up when they want to break up."
Since then, the video has spread around online Community, and controversy has arisen. According to the tendency of Community, the reaction of the netizens came out, and the comments of the male and female confrontation surrounding the Jun Hyoseong remarks continued.
Some netizens said, "If you are a person, the night is scary. "It is a criticism that it is too much," "It is right to have such an idea in a country where security is good globally," "The view of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family actually equals Crimea and ordinary men."
On the other hand, another netizens said, "It is a bitter reality that requires courage in a story that is too natural." "People who do not like this video are going to do dating violence." "Those who are angry at this should not be dating."
Dating violence, regardless of the sex of the perpetrator, is clearly a hurting Crime. Gender conflict remains in a society where extremes are getting worse. I do not think it is time to put a frame on men and women, but to look at society at the level of equality.