All The Butlers' Han Moon-cheol, "You have to check before you break" ..Initiation how to not get in a traffic accident

Master Han Mun-cheol has initiated know-how that does not become a party to a traffic accident.
On SBS All The Butlers' broadcasted on the 31st, I learned about how to do not get a traffic accident with Master Han Moon-cheol.
On the day of the show, Han Mun-cheol went out to the road with his members and conducted safety classes, and he caught the eye by finding the risk factors hidden on the road.
Han Moon-chul warned that "safe zones are not safe places; safe zones are demilitarized zones," he warned of invading safety zones and driving them. And if the signal changes at the time of The Departure after the stop, it is better to send other cars first. "I have to look at the left and right and slowly Departure.
He also mentioned one campaign in progress at the Netherlands. In order to prevent accidents that occur when opening the car door, the driver should open the door by completely turning the right hand, not the left hand, to Lee Yong.
Called "Dutch Rich," it was actually encouraged through campaigns in the Netherlands, and it was surprising that the campaign had reduced the number of opening accidents by more than 60%.
And Han Moon-chul advised that it is better to maintain a safety distance of more than 80 meters in driving in the tunnel. In addition, Han Moon-chul mentioned various things to care about throughout the members' driving, and Lee Seung-gi said, "If you care, you will be too tired when driving." Then he said, "At first, my head seems to be hurting, but I think it will be comfortable if I become a habit."
Since then, Han Moon-chul has started learning black boxes Lee Yong to escape the traffic crisis with the members. And to reduce blind spot accidents, he emphasized, "You have to develop a habit of checking once more before breaking."
And I mentioned things to worry about retaliatory driving and dark driving. In particular, he said, "When you drive at night, turn on your upturn and remember 1588-road construction (2504) when you have an accident."
The last was finished with a warm black box video: a car on a narrow path ran into a group of children on bikes. When the children thought they had passed, the driver said, "Han Moon-chul told me to be careful about this.
And at this time, as he said, a late runner appeared. As Han Moon-chul advised, the driver who cared about the late runner could not make an accident, and the driver said, "I have to look hard too. "Han Moon-cheol TV," he said, drawing PPL suspicions.
Another warm video caught the eye: The driver, who was crossing the overpass, faced the reverse vehicle, who had been mistakenly driving back through the construction site. The driver turned on the emergency light and blocked the second lane to protect the reverse vehicle. And all the vehicles following the driver's car waited silently until the reverse vehicle went to their way and admired it.
The reverse vehicle that went to my way safely gave a thank you to the driver, and the vehicle behind the driver gave a thumb to the driver and gave a warm heart.
"This is driving," he said, and promised to be reborn as a luxury driver in the future.