Hur Jae, Hahaha, to the parenting entertainment...Kim Byung-hyun SamBrother and Sister Yang Ro (The Return of Superman)

The Return of Superman basketball president Hur Jae appears as a reliever for Kim Byung-hyun.
KBS 2TV The Return of Superman', which will be broadcast on September 12, will visit viewers with the subtitle '365 days parenting Olympics'. Hur Jae visits Kim Byung-hyun's house, which is in crisis to the UEFA Champions League. I am already curious about what time Hur Jae, who is a legend of basketball and now more famous as the father of Heo Woong - Heo Hoon brother, will spend with Kim Byung - hyun's Three Brother and Sister.
In the last broadcast, legendary major leaguer Kim Byung-hyun was shown in the parenting UEFA Champions League. Min-Ju, daughter of 11, Taeyun, son of 8 years old, and Jusung, son of 5 years old. Kim Byung-hyun, who first took on Sam Brother and Sister alone, focused on the attention of many people. Especially on the mound, he sprinkled the fastball without hesitation, and he scurried in front of the parenting and laughed at the audience.
Hur Jae, who claims to be his stepfather for Kim Byung-hyun, said, "The children with athlete DNA were so happy with the appearance of the basketball president that they could not help it." The second son, Tae Yoon, said, "I want to play basketball the most," and expressed his affection for Hur Jae.
Kim Byung-hyun challenged himself to make coffee on a visit by a precious guest. However, Kim Byung-hyun, who was the first to touch a coffee machine, said that he showed the kitchen to the water. I wonder about Kim Byung-hyun's process of making coffee with a loud voice that can be called 'Born to entertainment person'.
Kim Byung-hyun and Sam Brother and Sister then went out to learn basketball directly from Hur Jae. Those who arrived at the basketball court prepared by Hur Jae were divided into Hur Jae team and Kim Byung-hyun team and played basketball game. As soon as you came to the basketball court, you felt a little sad about Kim Byung-hyun because of the children who want to be a team with Hur Jae. Hur Jae is said to have shown Shaolin basketball, which does not hesitate to foul the children's expectations.
However, the opponent Min-Ju was also sprained because of Hur Jae, who was walking on the basketball court. At this time, Hur Jae turned from Hur Jae' to 'Paenic Hur Jae' and released Min-Ju's mood. Hur Jae, who has been reborn as a parenting president in basketball, is expected to attract viewers.