"Same Bed, Different Dreams 2" Lee Hyun-yi, Introduction to the Beautiful Husband "S Company Samsung Electronics Engineer, Face Watch marriage"

Model Lee Hyun-yi introduced handsome Husband through 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2'. Lee Hyun-yi, who said that the classic handsome man was ideal, honestly said, "I was marriage when I saw my face."
Lee Hyun-yi Hong Sung-ki and his wife first appeared on SBS 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 - You Are My Destiny' broadcast on the 6th.
Lee Hyun-yi, a top model, has recently become a big entertainer. Lee Hyun-yi, a 10-year marriage, said that Husband Hong Sung-ki is a handsome man. “I was handsome in my eyes, but as soon as I first saw him, I told him that he looked like Jeon Hyun-moo,” he said modestly.
Hong Sung-ki, who boasts the strongest specifications as an engineer of S company Samsung Electronics, is a handsome man with a deep eye. The performers of 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2' also said that they were "handsome".
Hong Sung-ki, a nervous face, said, "My wife Lee Hyun-yi is a wife like Friend who never nags and always supports what I do."
“I wanted to live happily because I live a life once, but I finally met a woman like that. “I decided to marriage the idea that this woman would be able to live like Friend for the rest of her life.”
Lee Hyun-yi said, "I saw the face of Husband and marriage it. I liked the classic man." Hong Sung-ki laughed at himself by calling himself 'Park Jin-young's resemblance'.
So, will these couples feel Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 yesterday? Lee Hyun-yi said, “I’m always Same Bed, Different Dreams 2 except when I’m playing. It hurts me in my honeymoon. I wanted to 'male a little', but now I think that humans are diverse. "
The marriage life of the couple was also revealed. The house of the couple is a white house with a forest view. The spacious space was neatly organized without a dust, and Lee Hyun-yi honestly said, "I cleaned it for two days because I was shooting 'Same Bed, Different Dreams 2'."
Lee Hyun-yi is showing his passion for soccer through “the girls who beat the goal.” Lee Hyun-yi said to Han Hye-jin, “Nothing. I have to play soccer. Husband is not thinking either. "He dismissed the performers' navels.