Singer and actor Lizzy (Park Soo-young), from the group After School, began communicating through personal channels more than four months after the Drunk driving accident. Although he shed tears and expressed his intention to reflect, public opinion is divided.
Lizzy had time to talk to her followers through her social networking service Instagram's Love Live! broadcast feature on Friday morning.
Lizzy resumed communication through SNS for the first time in four months since May 18th. Lizzy, who caused a stir in the Drunk driving accident at the time, virtually stopped all activities and did not even communicate with fans.
Lizzy had an accident that hit Taxi, who was ahead of her in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul Gangnam-gu at the time; blood alcohol levels were found to have been at the level of license cancellation. In connection with the case, the 7th Division of the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office (Director Lee Byung-seok) indicted Lizzy on June 24 on charges of dangerous driving under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes, and Drunk driving under the Road Traffic Act.
Police were sent to the prosecution for alleged Drunk driving under the Road Traffic Act shortly after the accident, but after the prosecution investigation proved that Taxi was injured in the accident, the suspicion of dangerous driving was added under the special price law.
Shortly after the accident, Lizzy's agency apologized, saying: "I am deeply sorry for the unexcused misbehavior. After the accident, the contract with the agency was not renewed and there is no current situation.
The accusations against the Drunk driving accident are inevitable: In addition to Lizzy, many entertainers have been caught with Drunk driving and have a relatively long self-reliant period. But Lizzy faced further criticism from what he's done in the past, blaming him for his interview.
Lizzy has slammed Drunk driving in the past, describing it as a "second killer" and "preliminary murder." At that time, he was a conceptual entertainer who expressed his beliefs and beliefs, but the remarks became a boomerang and raised a cold light for Lizzy.
Love Live! A tearful apology over the air has not caused public opinion to Lizzy: "Sorry to disappoint you, life is over. I do not think I can continue my life in the entertainment industry. "He apologized, but some of the netizens are showing inconvenience to the additional remarks.
Despite admitting his mistake, Lizzy turned the arrow, saying it seemed that misunderstandings were accumulated due to the provocative article. Lizzy pointed out that "the knight was not so hurt, but the article went out like that," he said, "I think people are going to die."
Of course, some are wary of too unilateral criticism of Lizzy, who is reflecting, and are suggesting that he needs to be cautious. It is also noteworthy that there is a time when people live and it is hard once, and now this situation is almost a lot of extreme choices, focusing on Lizzy's words, and that it is not necessary to put those who acknowledge the mistake and wait for the disposition into a corner.
Lizzy made her debut in 2010 with the After School single "Bang!" After School, Unit After School Blue, Orange Caramel, etc. He also acted in parallel with his acting activities, including 'All My Love', 'Son Boys', 'Angry Mom', 'I picked up an entertainer on the road', 'Fate and Fury', 'Young Ae Season 17' and 'Oh My Baby'.