Lee Jae-myung, the governor of Gyeonggi Province, will appear on sbs All The Butlers'.
All The Butlers, which will be broadcast on the 26th, is decorated with a time to look more clearly and closely at Master Lee Jae-myung. On this day, the members headed to Andong Station, the master's hometown. Master Lee Jae-myung was seen recalling the time, directly referring to memories he had spent at his childhood home, Andong Station. It is also said that he has revealed the biography from the days of the boyhood to the declaration of his candidacy.
On the other hand, the members focused on key keywords such as 'SNS Addicted', 'Gossip Man' and 'Nuclear Cider' by Master Lee Jae-myung. Master Lee Jae-myung, who is named SNS Addicted, has also released his own honey tips that can be used to use SNS. Then, on the spot, Master Lee Jae-myung left a nuclear statement that would open up his frustrated heart. He is the back door that surprised everyone on the scene by revealing the technology to read the language of politicians who could not be heard anywhere. The members nodded, saying, "I often heard that the meaning is hidden."
Lee Jae-myung, a special feature of the presidential hopeful Big 3, will be unveiled on sbs All The Butlers', which will be broadcasted at 6:25 pm on the 26th (Sunday).
All The Butlers