All The Butlers' Lee Jae-myung hearing "To Me, Yoon Seok-ryul and Lee Nak-yeon?"....up to 13 percent

According to Nielsen Korea, a TV viewer rating company on the 27th, sbs entertainment program All The Butlers' in the metropolitan area, which was broadcast on the 26th, attracted 10.1% of the audience ratings and 2049 target TV viewer ratings, which are topical and competitive indicators, were 4.1%. Top TV viewer ratings per minute soared to 13.5 per cent.
Lee Jae-myung, the governor of Gyeonggi Province, appeared as master on the day of the special feature of For runner after last week. The place where the members met Lee Jae-myung was Andong Station. Lee Jae-myung, who spent his childhood at Andong Station, said, "I wanted to show you what it is." "It is not really rough, it is very timid and emotional. He knew me as a very rough person. It is an opportunity to show that I am not such a person. " He has been honest about the various issues surrounding him through the All The Butlers hearing' as well as the story of his life in difficult environments since he was a boy.
Lee Jae-myung said, "I was hurt when I was a factory worker and was suffering from disability." I thought it was difficult at the time, but when I went to college, I had a social structural problem. "I wanted to change the world," he said. "There are young people who call this country we live in hell. If I believe I can make something by making reasonable efForts, I will not. The hope For "escape from hell" has disappeared.
A full-scale "All The Butlers hearing" has since begun. Members asked about Former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-ryul and Former Democratic Party leader Lee Nak-yeon as a common question For For. Lee Jae-myung cited the strength he wanted to bring from Lee Nak-yeon as a race, and that it would be fair For Yoon Seok-ryul. He said that he is a "competitor to win" about Yoon Seok-ryul and "a competitor to win" about Lee Nak-yeon. "There is no reason to win because it is an internal competition with Lee Nak-yeon."
Lee Jae-myung said, "I will not 'side' when asked if I will never do it if I become president." "When I compete, I represent the Democratic Party but I represent everyone when I become president. I will not cut it in that regard. " Finally, Lee Jae-myung asked the question "I dream of Korea" and said, "It is a common sense world where you do not lose the rule if you break the rule. Everyone is in a world where they enjoy, respect and live together with the least opportunity. "
Meanwhile, Lee Nak-yeon, Former Democratic Party leader, will appear on October 3, following Former prosecutor general Yoon Seok-ryul and Lee Jae-myung, governor of Gyeonggi Province.