group (girl) children member Soo-jin eventually Withdrawal the team six months after the School violence controversy erupted.
Soo-jin, who was a prominent child and always followed by bad rumors, but complained that he had never assaulted him. Soo-jin, who became a honey-eaten mute when he acknowledged the damage, demanded the position of actor Seo Shin-ae, who was identified as Victims, and met the result of the self-defeating.
It was in February that the allegations of School violence were raised. A netizen claimed through the online community that his brother, who was alumnus with Soo-jin, had been subjected to School violence from Soo-jin. As soon as the damage was reported that he assaulted or extorted money, testimony that Soo-jin smoked and drank appeared.
Soo-jin said, "It was a prominent child during school days, and it is also true that bad rumors always followed. I have been dressed in clothes that do not fit the student's duties and have smoked a few times in curiosity. "He denied all suspicions about School violence, such as sending a group letter leading to assault and bullying, and stealing goods.
The agency also strengthened its hard-line response. From the official position announced on March 19, the agency announced that it had filed a complaint against all false dissemination and evil people, including the first publisher who posted the "School violence revelation".
Until this time, Soo-jin and his agency's position were 'a full denial of suspicion'; those who claimed damage or sympathized with Victims became 'devils' and became subject to legal action. The public’s reaction was also divided: while the pouring testimony sent a question to Soo-jin, there were a few who believed in Soo-jin’s innocence because he complained so strongly of injustice.
The situation changed 180 degrees when Soo-jin's alumni actor Seo Shin-ae, who was named one of the Victims, opened his mouth. Soo-jin pointed out that "Every time I revealed my position on the School violence, Seo Shin-ae posted on SNS in time, and many people misunderstood that I had committed violence to Seo Shin-ae." "No harassment during school days, no equator who has been cursed behind the scenes, and I strongly ask that Seo Shin-ae reveal his clear position," he said.
Seo Shin-ae posted on SNS posts such as "No excuses" after the controversy over Soo-jin School violence, and it seemed to appeal to the damage. Soo-jin asked for a clear position, saying that Seo Shin-ae is making him appear to be a School violence perpetrator.
The position of Seo Shin-ae was clear. Soo-jin mocked Seo Shin-ae with unpleasant swearing and giggling laughter with herds everywhere for two years, back roads, resting time corridors, lunch rooms, and every day, refuting that Soo-jin's failure to remember the facts of the harm was "I want to ask if selective Memory is the truthful things that can cover everything I'm talking about."
Soo-jin then chose Silence; the position of Seo Shin-ae, which Soo-jin wanted, was announced, but Soo-jin, who was asking for a position, disappeared. Thanks to Seo Shin-ae, every time he posted a recent photo, the title of the entertainment article was 'after the confession of the damage to the School violence'. Victims is speaking out, and the person who is identified as the perpetrator is Silence, so the situation naturally tilts toward the Seo Shin-ae and the netizens who claim the damage.
The end of Silence was Withdrawal. Soo-jin, who was not noticeable but did not do School violence, failed to give any refutation to the position of Seo Shin-ae in front of the school and fell out of the activities of (girls).
Why did Soo-jin not say anything after the Seo Shin-ae position was expressed? Soo-jin, who had taken out the complaint card with the netizens who claimed the damage, was forced to choose Silence. The answer is probably only Soo-jin, and Cube Entertainment, who decided on his Withdrawal.
The incident forced all members of the Victims, (girl) children and agency officials, including Seo Shin-ae, to have a long heartache. It is never light damage to be the result of a person's childhood wandering.
I would like to ask if Soo-jin believes that this was all due to the 'spreading' of the moment even at this moment, not that past wrongdoing must remain a lifelong scarlet letter. However, if there is a mistake in the past, the attitude of acknowledging and apologizing should be given priority.