group TOMORROW X Twogether instilled a Campus fantasy.
TOMORROW X Twogether recently published the magazine First Impressions and I've been working on filming.
TOMORROW X Twogether members in the picture are wearing casual costumes and show off their wonderful charm. It also contains a variety of members who spend free time walking through the Campus. In an active cut with bicycles, boards and rugby balls, TOMORROW X Twogether members perfect American classic fashion.
Especially in the group photos that show various styles of cricket sweaters and necks, each member's personality and different fashion sense are seen. You can feel the autumn coming through the preppy look using flag neck, baseball jacket, shirt and ball cap.
In the following Interview, Tae-hyun wrote about Regular 2nd album Repackage Album Chaos: FIGHT OR ESCAPE, "It contains the first fan song to be released after debut. It is a song that I wanted to be with Moa (MOA, fan club) for a long time, from the first meeting to the present. I had a hard time taking it away because I wanted to say it all the time. I chose my mind for the moa and picked it up. "
In addition, leader Suvin asked what kind of evaluation he would like to receive for this album, saying, "TOMORROW X Twogether is." I’d like to be recognized for finding our color more clearly. Personally, I’m proud that TOMORROW X Twogether has a clear color that comes to mind. I would like to continue the flow more firmly through this album activity, even if I can not explain it with a standardized word, but everyone is saying that it is TOMORROW X Twogether. "
Photos and Interviews of TOMORROW X Twogether are published by the magazine First Impressions on the 18th. '224', and fashion film and digital image that capture the charm of TOMORROW X Twogether members vividly than pictorials is First Impressions It will be released on Instagram and YouTube.