group TOMORROW X Twogether has released a new song Performance version Music Video for fans.
TOMORROW X Twogether posted a Music Video on the official SNS channel at 11 pm on the 23rd, featuring the Performance of the title song "Loser Fire and Rubber Company (LO$ER=LOER)" of Regular 2nd album repackaged album "Chaos: FIGHT OR ESCAPE".
The video, which begins with the powerful kick of member Suvin, energatively expressed the message of "LO$ER=LOER" which is the message of the song "Boy's desire to fight against the world or escape". The dynamic and lively Performance is the best, with sand scattered along the members' movements in the background of the desolate field.
In particular, TOMORROW X Twogether seems to have been restrained using a stand microphone, but it has expressed Boy's feelings that are getting more intense internally by hitting his head or taking a big hand gesture. The five members have achieved high Performance with various movements including 'Loser Fire and Rubber Company Dance', which is the first letter of 'LO$ER' and 'LOER', by hand. The bold camera movement and one-take expression of the thickened expression are also one of the points of observation.
"LO$ER=LOER" is a song of the aunt pop punk genre, expressing Boy's desire to be a "Firestone Tire and Rubber Company (LOER)" that saves each other to "you", the only world and savior, even though it looks like "loser" in the world's eyes.
TOMORROW X Twogether's new album is getting hot response from global fans with its release. The album topped the Oricon Daily Album charts for two consecutive days on August 18 and 19, the first day of Japan's release, and the title song remained the top spot for six consecutive days on the line music daily top song chart, Japan's largest music source site.