With Disclosure continuing for NCT, WayV (WayV) member Lucas Moura Personal Life, some fans are calling for the group to leave.
On August 28, China Weibo posted an article by surfing instructor B who claims to have been in touch with Lucas Moura.
Another woman C, who saw this article, revealed the conversation that Lucas Moura had contacted him in the same time period. Lucas Moura sent a voice message to Mr. B and Mr. C saying, "I want you to be here." In the same length as the contents of the message, suspicions continue that Lucas Moura met the two women at the same time.
Mr. A, who claimed to be Lucas Moura's former GFriend, said on the 23rd and 24th that Lucas Moura approached him first to tell him his cell phone number, and after the breakup, he made him pay for hotel accommodation and gas light.
After Disclosure, a woman from China also wrote a letter to the fan signing party, and she said that she received a message from Lucas Moura through the messenger account and that Lucas Moura was in contact with two or three fans besides herself at the Seoul concert.
Lucas Moura said on the 25th that "I sincerely apologize to those who have been hurt by wrong behavior. If you give me a chance, I would like to express my apology directly. I am sincerely sorry for the fans who have given me a lot of love and support because of this incident. "The past behavior was definitely a wrong part and it was irresponsible behavior that the fans gave me for a long time. “We will never do this again, and we will have time to stop and reflect on all the scheduled activities.”
Disclosure continues to be made on Lucas Moura's apology as well. A said on his personal SNS on the 26th that he had two love affairs with Lucas Moura from July 2019 to October 2019 and from November 2019 to March 2020, claiming that Lucas Moura also demanded a relationship during menstruation.
“If you have a baby, you should get married,” he said. We were uncomfortable as a woman who talked about the height and body of the GFriends she met. "I did not know at all whether I met many women until China fans' Disclosure. I and other victims are still suffering from the words and actions of Lucas Moura, but it is not unreasonable to be self-reliant for a few months. "
As the controversy continues, some fans are calling for Lucas Moura to leave the team, saying no more tormenting the team Image.