It is a pity that the name of Park Yoochun and victorious, the old brother (the idol that I loved in the past), who are found in society due to the self-destructive downfall, is sad.
In 2016, Park Yoochun, a member of the group JYJ and actor, was accused of sexual assault and was first named to the society for scandal. About a year later he was CLeared of lack of evidence, but the courtroom debate on it continued until 2021.
At that time, Park Yoochun was found not guilty of the accusation against the woman who CLaimed the damage. The woman filed a CLaim for damages straight away, and the court ordered 2019 Park Yoochun to pay 50 million won. However, Park Yoochun did not pay it, so it appeared again in the social scene after receiving a judgement in 2020. Park Yoochun's damages and interest reimbursement were not fully completed until 2021.
In the meantime, Park Yoochun once again became a socialist in a dispute with his agency. Park Yochoon's agency, Lee CL, announced on August 18 that Park Yochoon is preparing for a court action, conveying suspicions of a double contract with a Japanese agency. Lee CL also said, "Even though Park Yoochun has used the company's corporate card as a personal entertainment and living expenses, he did not take issue with it and helped solve personal debt problems of over 2 billion won." Park Yoochun's full-scale denial of the controversy is also unlikely to avoid courtroom disputes.
The former member of the group BIGBANG, victorious, can not be missed as the name goes up and down the social side and ruins the beautiful memories of the fans. victorious was identified as a key figure in the Burning sun Golden Gate Bridge, which turned the Republic of Korea hot in 2019, and was indicted and tried on nine charges inCLuding prostitution and violation of the Foreign Exchange Transactions Act. The process denied most of the allegations, but on August 12, he was sentenced to three years of Imprisonment and a penalty of 1,156.9 million won at the General Military Court of the Ground Operations Command.
Park Yoochun and victorious once enjoyed as members of the second generation idol group is beyond imagination. It is ironic that the other members of the group they were in are still very loved by communicating with their fans, while Park Yoochun and victorious are steadily rising to the social scene. Various rumors such as sex scandals and drugs continued to follow their names and overshadowed various disgraces.
Above all, their behavior is unfortunate that they do not show signs of reflecting on their mistakes. At the time of the drug use charge, Park Yoochun insisted on his innocence by retiring from the entertainment industry, but he is still active after the allegations are revealed. Instead, his activities are mostly focused overseas, as if he was conscious of bad domestic opinion, and his direction of activities, which hide behind him in search of his blind side, is inevitably frowned upon.
The same is true of victorious: the court found all nine charges of victorious guilty, but victorious objected to it, and on 19 August, he submitted an appeal. Coincidentally, this day was even more consoling with the 15th anniversary of his former group BIGBANG's debut. With BIGBANG members except victorious postings on SNS celebrating their 15th anniversary, the submission of the appeal of victorious, stained by all kinds of scandals, CLearly revealed the fate of the mixed.