CJ ENM music channel Mnet reported on the compensation situation for Idol Producer who suffered from the production team's Falsify in their idol audition program ProDeuce series.
As consultations are being held at the location of Absolutely Appointed, various speculations and suspicions are emerging in the position that the compensation has been completed, and concerns about the back-up are also being raised.
Mnet said on February 2, "We have done our best to negotiate compensation with Victims in a sincere manner and have completed compensation for 11 out of 12 people."
“We are in the process of negotiating with the agency and we have offered reasonable compensation, but we have had a disagreement with us on this part,” he said. “We will continue to talk with the remaining one and try to take responsibility and complete the compensation.”
The names of the 11 people who had completed the compensation were not disclosed separately, but the contents and scale of the compensation were not specified.
The rewards for the ProDeuce series Victims have received the attention of netizens since the list of the Victims Idol Producer was released.
While the Voting and Ranking Falsify controversy, which was raised shortly after the end of Mnet ProDeuceX101 in 2019, was revealed, the court that conducted the related trial sentenced some production crews to prison sentences and directly released the list of the Victims Idol Producer.
According to the court, Kim Soo-hyun and Seo Hye-rin were eliminated as Falsify as a result of the first Voting of Season 1 of ProDeuce 101. In Season 2, ProDeuce 101, Sung Hyun-woo was eliminated as a result of the first Voting, and Kang Dong-ho was eliminated as a result of the fourth Voting.
In Season 3, 'ProDeuce 48', Lee Ga-eun and Han Cho-won were eliminated as Falsify in the fourth Voting. According to the court, Lee Ga-eun and Han Cho-won ranked fifth and sixth respectively in the ProDeuce 48.
As a result of the first Voting of the season 4, 'DeuceX101', Anzar Didimode was eliminated due to Falsify, and Kim Kook-heon and Lee Jin-woo were eliminated as a result of the third Voting. In the fourth Voting, Koo Jung-mo, Lee Jin-hyuk and Geum Dong-hyun were eliminated as a result of Falsify; the final rankings were 6th, Lee Jin-hyuk 7th, and Geum Dong-hyun 8th.
At the time, Mnet said, "We respect the judgment of the court and humbly accept the results of this ruling. “I apologize once again for the great social scandal,” he said. “We will be responsible for the compensation for the additional confirmed Victims, including the public Victims.”
However, the contents of the compensation were not revealed after that. There was a theory that the group belonging to the victim Idol Producer would benefit from comeback or debut, but this was not true.
The scale of compensation is not specifically revealed, and some are concerned that unilateral Movie - The Negotiation has been achieved in the position of 'A'. CJ ENM, which has a variety of cable channels, leads to entertainment agencies as "absolutely absolute." It is speculated that Movie - The Negotiation plan could not have been easily rejected. He said it was a compensation for 11 out of 12 people, but as promised earlier, some point out that compensation for "unexpected Victims" should also be carried out with responsibility.
Anyway, Mnet is confidently emphasizing compensation and the Falsify situation in the ProDeuce series seems to be getting some done. In this situation, Mnet plans to audition again and broadcast it. Girls Planet 999, which will start on the 6th, will be the fifth in the series of ProDeuce, which has only changed its name among entertainment officials.
Of course, Mnet also shows various efforts to prevent the recurrence of the 'ProDeuce' situation and to escape the stigma of ranking Falsify. We have emphasized the position to eliminate text Voting and to block the intervention of the production team by Voting with external companies.
Nevertheless, once the back-to-back viewer is watching Mnet's new challenge with various doubts. The dissonance over the rewards is also a problem, but there is no 'backward' as strong as the recurrence. Mnet, which spent about three years until the ProDeuce situation calmed down, was focused on whether it would be able to restore the trust that collapsed with the new audition program.