TV Chosun 'My Daughter' is 'The Biggest Song Hyodo Show on the Earth' where 'Miss Trot 2' TOP7 and 'Miss Rainbow' visit steamed fans who have been talking all over the country or sing as 'Daughter 1 Day' through video call. In this regard, the 18th episode of "My Daughter's Let's Do" will feature the "Sangam Ninonano (Song in Your Song) Festival", which will change the contests of "Miss Trot 2".
First, Miss Trot 2 final yang ji-eun robbed the eye by singing 'Space the ship' which made Hong Ji-yoon the 'third round of the final'. There is a growing interest in 'Space the ship' that yang ji-eun will create with his unique compositional voice.
In addition, Kim Da-hyun and Kim Taeyeon also changed each other's songs and made them interesting. Kim Da-hyun performed Kim Taeyeon's master audition song 'Festival Bruce', and Kim Taeyeon took the song 'Hyoryongpo', which made Kim Da-hyun win the 1:1 death match. Soon after, Star Love and Eun Gaeun challenged the contest of yang ji-eun, and re-created 'Bingbing' and 'Samogok' in their own style, and Hong Ji-yoon enthusiastically sang 'Walking' by Kim Da-hyun.
Kim Eui-young also completed 'No No No' with his own capsaisin version, and Hwang Woo-rim called Kim Taeyeon's 'Wind Road' to make Kim Taeyeon cry, and all of 'My Daughters' painted the stage of the past beyond imagination with all the power of the whole body.
Kim Da-hyun also had a second meeting with Nam Sachin Mac to focus attention. However, unlike the expectation that only two people would meet, Hong Ji-yoon was surprised to see it, and Hong Ji-yoon was especially pleased with the two people, saying that he was born with a new dish of gold because of the special merit of Big Mama Lee Hye-jung.
In addition, Kim Da-hyun and Mac continued to talk about Hong Ji-yoon's tteokbokki, and the 'My daughter's Nam Sachin's Control Team', who was surprised by the meeting of the two, shouted to the medal and laughed.
Moreover, Mac later embarrassed Kim Da-hyun by asking Kim Da-hyun the point blank question, "Did you wonder how I was doing?" In addition, Mac prepared special performances and gifts for the second meeting, and Kim Da-hyun responded with a bright smile.
In the meantime, yang ji-eun and Kang Hye-yeon transformed into the head of the company of Mr. Trot's daughter for the surprise Is the New Black, respectively. In particular, he raised his curiosity by saying that he threw a word like "What did you say now, cheeky?" It is noteworthy whether the two will be able to succeed in Orange Is the New Black safely.
"Let's Do My Daughter" will air at 10 p.m. on the 30th.
Photo = TV Chosun 'Let's Do My Daughter'