Park Seul-gi, younger husband and Wedding anniversary are right Jeju Island 5 star Hotel Houkans "like a successful businessman"

Broadcaster Park Seul-gi envied Houkans for his daily life.
Park Seul-gi told his personal Instagram on July 8, "It's so good's not over yet, but I'm calculating when I can come next. Night view, Hotel gown, lifting pack is like a successful businessman at an early age. "
In the following post, Park Seul-gi said, "The real baby and the big baby went out alone and swimd in the morning, I was so tired in the morning, but I felt really buffed today. It is also a good function for traveling to dream of 'I want to live a house with a swimming pool'. I am going to work harder. "He shared a peaceful moment that was a little out of the tired reality such as childcare.
She also laughed at the small happiness, saying, "I am shopping while I am taking a nap. It is all inside the Hotel.
Park Seul-gi, likewise, said through his Instagram that he would "go to Jeju Island for three days from July 7 with a Wedding anniversary and an early vacation on July 9".
Singer Butterfly, who saw the post on the day, said, "I am having a happy time." He cheered Park Seul-gi's healing time. The netizens also responded to "Wedding anniversary congratulations and have fun", "Jeju Island envious" and "Please raise a lot of pictures".
Meanwhile, Park Seul-gi married a non-entertainer one year younger in 2016 and gave birth to her daughter, Soye Yang, in January last year. These Family appeared on TV Chosun entertainment 'The Taste of Wife' and collected topics.