I Live Alone Park Jae-jung will help his parents run a Restorant worker on holiday.
MBC's I Live Alone (director Huh Hang Kim Ji-woo), which will air at 11:10 p.m. on July 30, will unveil the meeting between Park Jae-jung and his parents.
Park Jae-jung says, "I have never seen my parents after independence." He finds a Restaurant run by his parents on a holiday. Unlike Park Jae-jung, who is happy to meet his parents in two months, his parents' chic reaction to preparing for the Restorant Open causes laughter.
As the opening time of the Restaurant approaches, Park Jae-jung plays a role of 'benefactor'. It is familiar to move from reservation reception to order, guest greeting and QR code check, Platter and back cleanup, and demonstrates one-on-one ability.
I hope that the steamed fan who came across at Restaurant showed a gift of affectionate limited express fan service and instant sign, and a picture of catching both fan and filial piety rabbits.
Park Jae-jung, who faces his parents after a stormy lunch, boasts his ability to live a life to reassure his worried mother even if he seems blunt, and he focuses his attention on his family by revealing his sincere heart toward his family, saying, "We seem to have become more intense since independence."