Girl group Nature (Nature) member Chae Bin celebrated her birthday with a photo for fans.
Nature Vegetarian hotel released several images taken at Self Studio through official SNS and fan cafe on the 30th.
In the photo, Vegetarian hotel completed the atmosphere cut with black and white styling that matches black and white.
Vegetarian hotel’s luxurious visuals catch his eye. The photogenic pose, which uses wired remotes wittyly, also attracts attention.
The photos are more meaningful because Chae Bin is mentioned as wanting to do in V LIVE, which was held on the 28th birthday. Chae Bin heard the opinions of the fans at the time of V LIVE and took self-shooting in the pose that the fans wanted.
The life cut, which Vegetarian hotel and his fans feel together, is getting a good response. Vegetarian hotel's extraordinary fan love and the different way of expressing it are also giving pleasure to viewers.
Nature, which Chae Bin belongs to, has recently been actively communicating with domestic and foreign fans through various global online events.