group TOMORROW X Twogether released the Teaser of the new album 'Magic'.
On the 10th, TOMORROW X Twogether presented a Teaser video of the regular 2nd album "Chaos: FREEZE" on the official SNS channel, "Magic".
"TOMORROW X Twogether News: The We Have Breaking News (TOMORROW X Twogether News). We have breaking news) "Teaser video, which begins with the voice of a robot, shows a spaceship in space looking down at the earth and a member Bum Kyu who is urgently chased by someone.
Since then, each member has been seen in turn, and pirate broadcast images appear to raise questions. Graphic effects, etc. In the overwhelming scale that seems to see one sf movie, the detailed expression and gesture acting of the five members maximize the immersion. The light and refreshing melody and the spectacular visuals of TOMORROW X Twogether make you look forward to the main story.
The English song 'Magic', first released by TOMORROW X Twogether after debut, is a trendy disco pop genre, depicting a magical story about you that melts me frozen.
The official music video of 'Magic' will be released at 1 pm on the 11th.