Son Seung-yeon, Nam Gyeong-ju and Magical 13 Years "First Meet When You Were 16, Until 'Wicked,' It's Like Fate."

Singer and musical actor Son Seung-yeon has revealed a special relationship with his senior Nam Kyung-ju.
Son Seung-yeon said on his 29th day, "I used to run anywhere I could sing from Agnaldo Timóteo, who was 14 years old and started singing. I did not know what musical was when I first participated in the musical school in the year I was 16 years old, but I just learned the teacher when I liked to sing and stand on stage. "
"On the day I performed with musical music, I thought of Agnaldo Timóteo, who was fighting behind the stage with his sister's brothers, holding a nervous heart while wondering how he came to see our performance. Even after becoming a Singer, I lived thinking, 'It was a good memory and experience!' I did not know I would do musical. "
Son Seung-yeon said, "I was reunited with Gyeongju teacher in 2014 to watch 'Wicked' and thankfully remembered me. I also heard that I became a Singer. From then on, I went to see every performance I could contact with my teacher, and the life of a professional theater started. "
"After that, he came to see my bodyguard and said, 'Let's play and meet together someday on stage.' Finally, when I was in El Pava at 'Wicked', I was more pleased and cheered than anyone else. "
He said: "I can't forget the moment when I always shout to The Wiz, 'I'm so glad to meet you!' Gyeongju teacher who is still studying, managing and saying that he is not enough is a true adult and my eternal teacher. "Wicked" was such a fateful work for me," he added.
The photo, which was released together, showed Son Seung-yeon, who was dressed as a green witch El Pava, and Nam Kyung-ju, who had a thumb with his thumb. Nam Gyeong-ju plays The Wiz in 'Wicked.'
The two people who have been standing side by side with a wonderful appearance since their childhood for 13 years have been 'hunhunhun'.
On the other hand, Son Seung-yeon played the role of the main character El Pava with a double cast with Ok Joo-hyun in 'Wicked' which ended on the 27th.