Lee Su-ji appeared as a guest on the first broadcast of sbs FiL 'Asura' broadcast on the 29th.
Lee Su-ji said, "I started Diet because of the preparation for the second year," he said. "I lost 14kg, but Husband said I would do Diet together."
Lee Su-ji was caught in the eyes of senior married women as he was unable to keep his body still, saying "It is too good" in Husband and marriage life.
In particular, Lee Su-ji said, "I think it looks like Husband when I see the male protagonist of the drama, and nowadays I call it Song Kang." When MCs said, "Song Kang should not touch," Lee Su-ji said, "(Husband) is a non-entertainer, so you can run a bad run."
Lee Su-ji also said, "We still have a lot of time to have a honeymoon with two people."
Photo: sbs FiL