What is happening in S Church?
On the SBS Unanswered Questions - Missing; The Lost Children' episode, which airs on June 19, we explore the realIty of the S church, which filled the childhood of Victims wIth the Memory of hard labor, violence and fear, and trace the truth of Choi and the ministers who are leading the church in heaven.
# The missing child, and the reunion of 10 years
One day in 2003, something embarrassing happened to Kim Ok-bun (a pseudonym). It was because the son and his wife suddenly disappeared wIth the Grandchildren dry cow that would not hurt even if they put It in their eyes. My son and his wife left only to say that they were leaving for a deeper religious life. Grandchildren dry cow, who was so lovely to smile, was a seven-year-old child at the time. Grandma's Boy reportedly missed Grandchildren, but never contacted her, and didn't know where she lived. A decade or so of so longing. Then One day, Grandchildren dry cow appeared at Grandma's Boy Okbun's house. It was nice to meet Grandchildren again, which was covered for more than 10 years, but he was surprised by the unusual appearance of the child. It was the past that Grandchildren had suffered, which was more heartbreaking than the skin, the skin that was burned and the skin that was skinny. What happened to Mr. dry cow?
# The routine of young elItes - training or abuse?
dry cow, now a 25-year-old young man. It was S Church where he followed his parents at the age of seven. Mr. dry cow, separated from his parents there, confessed that he was forced to work strange and painful things, living wIth children of the same age. The children had to listen to the sermon about the end in the 90-minute worship session of Haru three times, and had to train to visIt all over the All states in the name of evangelism. In addItion, he said he had received a doctrine education packaged in 'home schooling' wIthout attending school. The only education was Bible study, and Choi, who led this church, called the children "the elIte soldier of the Lord" and managed and taught while blocking contact wIth the world.
This was not the only thing: the children who escaped the church were angry and angry about the hard work and violence they had to deal wIth. When there was time between worship, the children had to work on farms, junk shops, and even church extensions for more than 10 hours. In addItion, he confessed that It was a routine where ranting and assault continued if he could not work properly or disobeyed the words of the ministers. Over the decade that I spent so, why did the children not get out of that pain?
The truth of the S Church
Mr. dry cow, who had not been brave until he was 16 to escape my parents. In his Memory, S Church was not a common place. Mr dry cow is worried that nine years after he escaped, he may still have children in his sItuation. The S Church, known to have been piOneered by Pastor Choi in 1989, has grown and currently has a church, prayer One, and farm in five All states areas. He preached that following him was the only way to heaven, saying that the end would come soon. Victims says they had no choice but to believe the story of 666 Berry Chip and the sound of hell that Pastor Choi often told during worship. They remember that Pastor Choi’s prayer method was also unusual: the prayer method he used was the “eye orchard” that pressed his eyes and prayed. It is a prayer to put the weight of the whole body on the grounds that It sends out the evil spirIts on the body and press the eyes of the target person. The Victims testified that they had frequently experienced vomIting and fainting while receiving a "eye orchid" from Choi, and even injured.