All The Butlers' Yi Jang-hui, Cecibong Cho Young-nam Death Mark public..."All the long Friends are good."

Seoul) = Singer Yi Jang-hui introduced close Friends such as photographers Kim Jung-man, Cecibong and Kim Min-ki.
On SBS All The Butlers' broadcasted at 6:25 pm on the 13th, Yi Jang-hui appeared as master.
On this day, Yi Jang-hui said, "I was always curious about what I liked best, but I went to the Shenzhen of Mt. Seorak in 1988 for three months." "At one point, there was a full moon on the hill, and when the moonlight shines on the rocky mountain, I felt like 'my favorite moment' for the first time.
"I like music while I live, I like money, I like honor, but I felt that what I liked was nature at that moment." "I went to Death Valley in the United States and went to Alaska 4 ~ 5 times because I liked nature.
Yi Jang-hui also said, "My Friends who have met so far have been doing Death Mark one by one on the rock because I live in Ulleungdo. Kim Jung-man, Cecibong Friends, Cho Young-nam, Kim Min-ki, etc. "After introducing," Kim Min-ki is respectful of his composing colleagues, how can a song really do that? " "I was happy to live my life, and the Friends were all good, and I happened to meet them all."
Meanwhile, All The Butlers' is broadcast every Sunday at 6:25 pm.