All The Butlers' Yi Jang-hui, "Youn Yuh-jung and Elementary school alumni...A lot with playwright Kim Soo-hyun" Golden network

Yi Jang-hui has revealed her relationship with Friend Youn Yuh-jung.
On SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on the 20th, Friends who are keeping a deep Friendship with Master Yi Jang-hui appeared.
On the show, Master Yi Jang-hui and his age-old steamy Song Chang-sik posted a video letter to him; Master Yi Jang-hui was as happy as a child to appear.
Song Chang-sik talked about memories of Yi Jang-hui and released the story of his first lyrics to his song. Yi Jang-hui, who wrote the song "Outside the Window, Rainy Ogo".
So Song Chang-sik said, "The Cecibong family went fishing together, and there was Youn Yuh-jung." But that was his birthday. So the song became a birthday celebration, and it was the first time someone had called it in front of me. "
At this time, Lee Seung-gi asked about his feelings about the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress of Youn Yuh-jung, which is a deep relationship with Yi Jang-hui. Yi Jang-hui said, "At that time, I was with United States of America." "Youn Yuh-jung is a alumni of Elementary school with me."
He also said, "And the playwright Kim Soo-hyun met a lot like that." The members were surprised that "there are only stars around," and Lee Seung-gi asked which elemental school was. When I told him which school, he said, "I have to send the child there," and Lee Seung-gi said, "I have to go back in."