Kang Hyung-wook trainer goes into blind dog Cane Corso training
In the KBS 2TV entertainment program Dogs Are Incredible' broadcast on June 21, the story of a 7-year-old Cane Corso moon, which reveals tremendous aggression due to the guard around the Guardian, was drawn.
The moon once bit a Guardian mother, whose blistered moon was attacked after an open surgery, trying to wipe her stomach. The Guardian mother recalled the memory of the moon, "I had a bandage around the surgery area, but I touched it to wipe it because I saw blood, and suddenly I ran." Moon's mouse punch left the Guardian mother with as many as 70 stitches; since that day, the Guardian has been rigorously trained and controlled by the Moon.
"I'm trying to walk every day," said Guardian, who went out to the park 20 minutes by car for Moony and Walking. I go home for 20 to 30 minutes in front of the house, go out to the outside in Weekend, walk for more than two hours and return. " The moon was a good match for the upcoming neighborhood puppies on the park Walking course that comes out of Weekend. What kind of troubles is there in the moon without reaction even if other dogs bark?
The Guardian described the reason why he continued to walk around uninterruptedly during Walking as the severe boundary of the moon: "When I sit down, the moon is bounded a lot. The first time you get out of the border is when you sit on Walking and when others come silently. "When seniors come with aggressive objects like canes, the boundaries are severe," he said. As the Guardian explained, the Moon suddenly rushed to the crew as the production crew passed by with a staff. Kang Hyung-wook , who saw the Guardian barely control by force, made a serious look, saying, "If it was a real grandfather, I fell back." Jang Doyeon also expressed his concern that "there are many people who carry a cane, but it can be dangerous."
"When Walking, an uncomfortable person was passing by, and the aggression was seen, so I controlled Baro, and from then on I added a lot of training," Guardian added. When the crew in protective gear went to the Guardian, where they sat, the moon began to be wary, and as the moon approached closer, the moon suddenly rushed without any symptoms of precursor. "Other dogs have 'growls' first, and in the same case of the moon, they have a Baro punch without 'growls'; sudden attacks are a bit difficult to control," the Guardian said. The aggression of the moon was stronger at home than outdoors, and now he was wary of the production team by erecting his claws.
Kang Hyung-wook , who was put into the moon's house, said, "If the Guardian's month sees someone want to raise Cane Corso, will you ask me to raise it?" "If you raise it because it looks cool, I will stop it. I do not recommend it honestly even if I have the ability to control it. I am worried that if I do not have it, I will have an unexpected action. "
Kang Hyung-wook said, "Actually, they are often stupidly mild until they are 2 years old. If you feel this Friend power, I want to be able to tear him down in case of emergency, and then I have to be really excited. "
A wary-spirited exercise was conducted in places other than the home. About Cane Corso, who sees himself and reacts strongly to the border, Kang Hyung-wook said, "The scary kids bite their legs or hands, he comes to the face. Lee Kyung-gyu, who watched the situation in the situation room, said, "If you miss the line, you will run 100%."
Kang Hyung-wook told the Guardian, who had usually controlled the moon rough, "I understand, I have to keep showing this Friend a strong masculinity." "I controlled it with words before the sudden action, but since then I thought I should control it coercively," Guardian said, citing the reasons for the change in control style. The Mouth plugs attacked Kang Hyung-wook wrists while the Guardian turned away, with the month excited. Kang Hyung-wook , who copes with the attack, explained the situation, "The moon is warning me to get out of my way." The Guardian moved, and the moon was breathing faster, and Kang Hyung-wook roared in the attack that continued in a runaway.