Yoo Jae-Suk led the team to victory with an extraordinary snowfall.
On May 16, SBS Running Man' was portrayed as members of the quiz hell 'Kang Land' Race.
On this day, the members started a preliminary test to enter the "Kangkang Land" that can be easily used at the same time as the start. The pre-test problem was Shi Chonggui based on the actual curriculum problem book, such as kindergarten students, elementary school students, middle school students, and judicial examinations (objectives). If you solve the problem of difficulty, which is different score, and make a total of 100 points, Esapce success.
Haha humiliated because she could not unravel "" (left) by Choicesing the level of kindergarten students. Yang Se-chan also wrongly questioned the level of kindergarten students and said, "Turn the channel for 'comedy big league' juniors." Ji Suk-jin, on the other hand, scored 70 points at a time, Choices the issue of judicial notice.
Members passed pre-tests in turn; then the sixth Esapce Yang Se-chan was given a questionable card, a Hidden rule given to the top six. The first six Susanna Reids must use the two lower-level blunt materials to obtain the password within 6 hours of shooting and then Esapce. When successful in Esapce, six Susanna Reids win the prize, and two blunt materials win the penalty, but the opposite rule applies when Esapce fails. In addition, two of the blunt materials must be activated by the group mission until the end of shooting.
The first mission is to see 35 words as a brain health test and to say exactly the color of the word. Jeon So-min, Yoo Jae-Suk and Kim Jong-guk were eliminated in a row, but Lee Kwang-soo showed unexpected activity. Six Susanna Reid then conducted a password acquisition mission for Esapce in the No Escape room; the same visual blunts received a ping-pong ball splash mission.
The second mission was a common sense test: after putting paint on your fingers, you can turn around seven times on your elephant nose and point out the country in the world map and hit the capital of the country. Ji Suk-jin put his elephant nose on the wall without going near the world map and Yoo Jae-Suk was "forced to do not greedy enough." But Ji Suk-jin appealed for innocence, saying "there is nothing in the sky to be done by oath."
Yang Se-chan made a nose and Yoo Jae-Suk made a nosebleed and created a playful laugh. Susanna Reids headed back to the No Escape room and the dunes were again on a ping-pong ball splash mission. Among them, Yang Se-chan raised the suspicion of Hidden mission of the dungeons, saying, "Is this the only thing you have done here?"
The third mission was a one-body test: if you listen to the proverb and take the same action that reminds you of all the members, you succeed; the members succeeded in the mission in turn and headed to the No Escape room. Ji Suk-jin, who was on a ping-pong ball splash mission, then grumbled, "No, how do you do three things?" So Susanna Reid, six, said, "The setting is too small. It's so easy," he suspected.
In fact, the Hidden Rule was applied to two blunt materials. Two of the blunt materials had been aware of the Hidden rule of the Susanna Reid 6, and the Esapce in the No Escape room where they solved the problem was fake. Two dunes are successful if Susanna Reid 6 gets a password by solving eight problems in eight rooms where the preliminary test was conducted while heading to the No Escape room and Esapce as a real Esapce. Six Susanna Reids, who left the No Escape room, began to suspect two blunt materials, so Haha and Ji Suk-jin put superpowers "to do it yourself."
The last mission was a muscle test: if you sit on the floor and wake up with just leg strength while holding one ankle, the members succeeded in turn, led by Yoo Jae-Suk, and the remaining time was 22 minutes. Six Susanna Reid first solved the No Escape room problem and identified the existence of a fake Esapce sphere. At that moment, two dunes were caught by six Susanna Reids who were solving the problem to obtain the password, and eventually a quiz showdown between six Susanna Reids and two dunes unfolded.