Yang Se-hyeong "Kim Dong-Hyun, Vacine-related stock investment failure COIN also plummets" Disclosure (All The Butlers)

Yang Se-hyeong Disclosures the Investment Status of Kim Dong-Hyun
On May 30, SBS All The Butlers' held a 'Earth Youth Association' to look back on the first half of the confused global village due to Corona 19.
Along with the disciples, Italian Alberto, India Lucky, US Tyler, French Robin, and Chinese Magukjin appeared on the day. "I was longing for a discussion with Mr. Tyler. "There was a thing that Han () had made," he said, "I tried to keep the middle, but there is no such thing here. Let's have a bloody discussion."
The theme was 'The Corona 19 that haunts the Earth village is far from VS this year'; the first vote was 'You can kick Corona 19 out'. "While I am talking now, two more were born," Lucky said. "Vaccine penetration around the world is difficult this year. It takes a total of three years to inoculate the Indian population of 1.3 billion; it is hard to get Corona 19 out of the way within this year, in reality," he said.
"There's a huge difference between what's reported on the news and what's real," Lucky said of her hometown India, which suffered from Corona 19. As for Rockdown, "India has a large population, but there are many people who live in Haru. "It made me starve to death and needed measures to secure jobs," he said. "In the end, I opened theaters and stadiums in January. In addition, 200,000 people gathered for the election in seven states, "he said, revealing the situation that Corona 19 had to deteriorate.
Among them, a surprise video call with George Orwell, who returned to his hometown Australia at the end of last year, was concluded. George Orwell said, "There are about 10 new confirmed people nationwide, all of them in isolation at the hotel." "I walk around without a mask, go to a bar with my friends on weekends, and go to clubs. If Corona 19 is confirmed, it will be rocked down for about three days. It is thanks to the strong border blockade using the advantage of island country. "
In addition, the daily life changed due to Corona 19 was mentioned. From the emergence of the Copparazzi (corona 19+ paraparazzi, excess of cases of violations of anti-virus rules, false reporting), the public release of the line of motion, non-contact personnel, and weight gain were mentioned. The conspiracy theory was emphasized, and some of them were conspiracy theories that Bill Gates planted microchips in Vacine to manipulate people. Bill will make a lot of money. "