group TOMORROW X Twogether first released the music video of the new album title song.
TOMORROW X Twogether (Subin, Fed, Bum-gyu, Tae-hyun, and Huning Kai), which will release its second Regular album, The Chaos: FREEZE, on the 31st, will feature the title song '0X1=Lovesong (I Know I Love You) on the official SNS on the 29th. Seori’ (Xero Esporte Clube Bahia One Lovesong) featured the first music video Teaser.
The first Teaser video begins with the Fed dancing to music under the lights in a house with no one. As the music sound decreases, the appearance of the fish in the aquarium appears, disappears, and the Fed and Bum Kyu, who are diving in the water, appear and the atmosphere changes.
The title song '0X1=Lovesong (I Know I Love You) feat, while the members of TOMORROW X Twogether who are playing happily such as diving or playing water. The unplugged version of Seori’s focuses attention. The acoustic guitar, piano, and TOMOROW X Twogether without electronic sound are filled with images, and the title song to be released as a trendy hybrid pop rock genre amplifies the curiosity of what atmosphere it will have.
TOMORROW X Twogether, which is raising expectations for a comeback by introducing its first music video Teaser, has gained full support from former World fans with various contents such as concept photo, track list, album preview, and track highlights, and has imprinted the status of 'fourth generation idol representative'. On the 30th day before the comeback, the second music video Teaser will be released and will continue to open.
Meanwhile, FREEZE includes eight songs in various genres, including the title song I Know I Love You (Feat. Seari). In particular, all TOMORROW X Twogether members will participate in the song work and show a wider music World.
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