The national MC Yoo Jae-Suk did the right thing: Unlocking the secret of 'Land' and succeeding in escaping.
On SBS Running Man' broadcast on the 16th, 'Land' escape was unfolded.
Running Man had difficulty solving the quiz of difficulty while the mission to escape and escape two dunes was unfolded on this day.
The two-man dune Haha and Ji Suk-jin also made the Top Model on the mission, but this was not easy either. Ji Suk-jin said, "I have to give you a Game to do."
In the next common sense test, Song Ji-hyo was promoted. Lee Kwang-soo said, "You are studying these days? He said there was no lateness to learn. "
On the other hand, Ji Suk-jin did not even get a chance to test, unlike loudly saying he was confident. The lesser Yoo Jae-Suk criticized "Ji, you should not pick the amount like this," and Ji Suk-jin protested, "I swear to heaven and there is nothing in my mind."
Then, with Lee Kwang-soo on the Top Model, Yoo Jae-Suk showed off the costume gag as if the blood of the comedy was infested.
Yoo Jae-Suk, who painted Coppy on his face, said, "I have to work hard. I have to do hard recording so that I can get Coppy."
The reversal is that two of the neglected Dunjae were calmly securing an escape, and even the precision of unlocking the password by Ji Suk-jin alone to hide the work.
At the end of the mission, Running Man monitored and doubted the suspicious. Especially Yoo Jae-Suk said, "Something is strange. Especially Ji Suk-jin is strange. I know if I lie or not. "
But when they learned the secrets of the dunes, Haha and Ji Suk-jin had already found half the passwords. Surprised Running Man hastily Top Model on password pool, but here Yoo Jae-Suk has done the job.
Attention is paid to the announcements and the production crew's comments attached to the studio, opening the door of the escape room with 'smart' talk. The Running Man, as well as the opening of the door, Yoo Jae-Suk, "I was creepy," he said.
On the other hand, the Dunjae team was humiliated by performing a 'candy' penalty.