tobacco, a symbol food for adults, is used as a material to make fun of Women.
On SBS Running Man' broadcast on May 23, Song Ji-hyo, Jeon So-min and Sung Si-kyung, Lee Yong-jin's 2:2 Avatar blind date was held.
On this day, Sung Si-kyung appeared as a virtual marriage information company, bachelor.com representative and blind date Avatar. Lee Kwang-soo, who watched this in the situation room, ordered "Do you need Ji Hyo's ashtray?" So Sung Si-kyung followed the command, and Song Ji-hyo responded, "Tell Lee Kwang-soo that he will kill him." Lee Kwang-soo, who heard this, was embarrassed, "It's just a Visual gag. I thought I would accept it With Wit."
Also, Lee Yong-jin came out as a blind date Avatar in the relative team of bachelor.com Co., Ltd., and Haha ordered "take out the tobacco from the pocket." Lee Yong-jin pretended to take a tobacco out of his inner pocket and accompanied the adverb With "Is the original poem burning?" So Song Ji-hyo replied, "Give me." Sung Si-kyung added that he handed Joe to solve the atmosphere by considering Song Ji-hyo, the first blind date.
tobacco Joke has often visited 'Women' entertainers in a number of entertainment programs. tobacco Joke is considered to be a laughing point that Women entertainers are troubled and hot. At the base of this Joke, 'Women smoke tobacco? 'Is a form of reverberating the 'indestructive' image they have by connecting Women entertainers and tobacco. As Women, smoking is a part to hide, shameful, and flawed.
But in fact, legally anyone over the age of 19 can buy or smoke tobacco. Nevertheless, in the broadcasting industry, 'tobacco' is a flaw and a teasing to Women. Still, I enjoy the smell of the hand of the Women performers in many entertainment programs, mentioning specific tobacco brands, and feeling troubled.
On the other hand, male entertainers do not feel much qualms about releasing smoking. The observational entertainment program creates an episode of male performers' smoking cessation challenges: male smoking is just a simple symbol, and it is not recognized as a flaw to hide. However, in the case of Women performers, smoking cessation episodes as well as smoking facts are used as a ridicule through entertainment programs.
If tobacco Joke is used regardless of gender, it can also be used as one of the Visual gag materials. But in public comedy, including the entertainment program, tobacco Joke is always Han Zheng to 'Women'. In TVN 'Comedy Big League - Psychos', a group member has been targeted by tobacco Joke several times and opinions have been poured out that are uncomfortable.
Some people call this point a so-called "professional inconvenience." It is a word born from the trick of catching a pod in Joke, which can laugh, and appealing for inconvenience.
However, it is necessary to recognize that the flow of the times is changing. It is time to recall why tobacco Joke became 'Women' Han Zheng, not to avoid tobacco Joke. Above all, 'Joke' is used when you can laugh pleasantly between each other.