Kang Sung-bum, a comedian who made a stir with demeaning expressions of Deagu and Overseas Chinese, eventually apologized.
Kang Sung-bum said on his YouTube channel community on the 20th, "There was an expression that criticized Deagu and Overseas Chinese." "There is no excuse; it was wrong. I'm sorry," he bowed.
Kang Sung-bum, who is active as a political critic YouTuber, recently pointed out that Lee Jun-seok's former power chief community parents' area is Deagu and said, "I personally want to get better Overseas Chinese."
Kang Sung-bum acknowledged that there was an expression criticizing Deagu and Overseas Chinese in the video, saying, "I deleted the part, but I left it because it seemed to avoid criticism to delete the image itself."
"I would like to say that I am sorry to the Deagu people and the Overseas Chinese people Lee Jun-seok's parents and subscribers who would have been uncomfortable to see the video."
Kang Sung-bum reported on the YouTube channel on the 19th that Lee Jun-seok, former chief community, was ranked first in the poll of the next people's support for power.
"Now that the former Chief committee is in the top spot, the former Chief committee related week started to appear on the portal, and the story of Lee Jun-seok's father is Overseas Chinese'."
Kang Sung-bum said, "Lee's former Chief committee is 'No, it's ridiculous. Father, my mother said, "Both of you are Deagu people." I personally heard about it and said (I wanted to) say that Overseas Chinese was better than Deagu. "
After the video was released, Lee Jun-seok, former Chief committee, told his SNS, "I do not know what the expression of Overseas Chinese is better than Deagu, but everyone is too broken because of a few dollars of money. We are doing below-level broadcasting with a joint venture between the left and right. "
Kang Sung-bum has appeared in 'Gag Concert' and has been famous for 'Suda Man'. Recently, he has operated a personal YouTube channel 'Gang Sung Bum TV' and has 350,000 subscribers.