'Fashion Army of Darkness Kim Mi-hee' KCM, NEW Army of Darkness Jungle Animal Hair Salon 2 - Tropical Beauty Revealed.

"It's a reverse!" (Radio Star') Fashion Army of Darkness leader KCM will appear on Radio Star to unveil the 2021 version of the Army of Darkness Animal Hair Salon 2 - Tropical Beauty.
MBC Radio Star (planned by Kang Young-sun / directed by Kang Sung-ah), a high-quality talk show scheduled to air at 10:30 p.m. on Wednesday, will feature the era of Innocence with four Jeong Jun-ha, Kim Jong-min, KCM and Nine Woo, armed with Innocence Me.
In the early 2000s, KCM was named a fashion terrorist at the time by matching unbalanced items such as sleeveless, vests, and arm toss in cold winter. Recently, it is called 'Fashion Army of Darkness Kim Mi-hee' and is in its second prime.
When the past photos of the 2000s were released, KCM expressed its pride in saying, "I am the original Performance of tearing clothes on stage as well as arm toss items."
KCM will show off the 2021 version of 'Army of Darkness Jungle Animal Hair Salon 2 - Tropical Beauty' by preparing the king buckle belt, beanie, and various accessories that he used to try MC Kim Kook-jin's Jungle Animal Hair Salon 2 - Tropical Beauty. MCs who watched the 2021 version of 'Army of Darkness Jungle Animal Hair Salon 2 - Tropical Beauty' completed with KCM items poured out a fierce reaction saying, "It is a masterpiece of KCM!" And it raises curiosity about what fashion was completed.
KCM also surprises Confessions that it received a large amount of pictorial proposal of 1.5 billion in the past. KCM said, "If it was not for the Horny Family, I would have thought about taking a picture." He will reveal the secret hidden in the Horny Family and steal his gaze.
Jin-ha has been loved by viewers for his charm of 'good neighborhood fool type', which does not give in to the surrounding teasing by appearing in various programs such as entertainment 'Rat Race Survival', 'Infinite Challenge' sitcom 'High Kick without Restraint'.
Jeong Jun-ha has become an image of the original Innocence character because of 'Rat Race Survival'. Jin-ha will give a big smile by reenacting the foolish Performance of 'Rat Race Survival' which gave me the first prime of my life including "Hubigo ~".
Jin-ha, who has found Radio Star' in four years, will show his personal period for viewers. It is said that he surprised 4MC by revealing juggling Performance and magic that makes his eyes flash.
The 2021 'Army of Darkness Jungle Animal Hair Salon 2 - Tropical Beauty', presented by fashion terrorist KCM, can be confirmed through Radio Star, which is broadcasted at 10:30 pm on Wednesday, 12th.
MBC Radio Star'