On the 28th, Netflix released the character steel of five international dormitory friends 'I hope the Earth will be ruined tomorrow'. Netflix series 'I hope the Earth will be ruined tomorrow' is a simple youth sitcom that contains the love, friendship and laughter of international dormitory students who live Haru without correct answer.
Sewan is a life-style manleb and alba master who creates supplementary income in an unexpected way, such as imposing a private fine instead of a penalty on a student who violates the school rules and issuing coupons for dormitory students using a large number of alba experiences. A tough day, she shouts, "I hope tomorrow the Earth will be ruined," but her always-spirited appearance stimulates the empathy of many youths.
GOT7 member Gifted and Talented has transformed into a bluff Sam, a Korean-American from Australia and an international dormitory student. If you open your mouth, you will find short knowledge, and you will have a lot of nonsense, but if you blow your ears, you will be red. His youthful charm, which adds vitality to the dormitory, delivers a pleasant smile to viewers.
Han Hyun-min thought that they were all foreigners, but they were divided into Korean citizens living in Icheon. Hyun-min is living in an international dormitory because of the difficulty of going to school for 5 hours. Although he is born with a head that escapes like a loach, the story of the sage who is secretly staying in the dormitory as the owner of a pure soul more than anyone else guarantees a big smile.
Meanwhile, 'I hope the Earth will be ruined tomorrow' will be released on Netflix on June 18th.