Representatives from various countries such as Tyler, Robin, Alberto Fujimori, Lucky, and Makgukjin, and All The Butlers' debated various stories surrounding COVID-19.
Tyler, Robin, Alberto Fujimori, Lucky, and Ma Guk Jin appeared on SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on the 30th. All The Butlers' with the youths representing each country were the first to talk about COVID-19.
Lucky, from India, said: "In the past week, there have been 400,000 Confirmed persons in Haru. The death toll is said to be up to 4,000 in Haru, but if you listen to the local story, it may be 30,000. "
"There is a difference between what is reported in the news and the actual situation," Lucky said. "The fear of calling India is that I will hear the news of someone's death. "All three Friends who came out of Korea for the first time were confirmed, and their parents and mothers were confirmed."
Kim Dong-Hyun said to Ma Guk-jin, "China does not have COVID-19 Confirmed person, but I think there is an unexplained Confirmed person." "I told you I was doing less testing," Ma Guk-jin said. However, when Confirmed person came out in Qingdao city, 10 million citizens did the entire COVID-19 test in five days. "
All The Butlers' attempted to speak to George Orwell in the Netherlands. The Netherlands and New Zealand are well known as the countries that defeated COVID-19. George Orwell said, "Yesterday COVID-19 Confirmed person was eight," he said. "Everyone is in isolation at the hotel."
George Orwell, in particular, said: "I walked around comfortably without a mask, and I went to a bar with the Friends on weekends and drank. "The club is open and free," he said. "Although there was a prison sentence for returning home to the Netherlands, it is now gone.
Young people continued their debate of the COVID-19 Confirmed person movement in Korea. COVID-19 The position that it is necessary to disclose the movement of the early Confirmed person and the position that privacy protection should be given priority was sharply opposed.
Tyler saw privacy as a priority. "If you can not guarantee AdMob protection, you have to have a veto," Tyler said, concerned about AdMob's Indiscreet Exposure. "Indiscreet disclosure adds to the anxiety of citizens."
Alberto Fujimori, on the other hand, put the prevention first. "I know that AdMob was available in Korea because of trial and error in 2015 when it was in Mers. Italy has no legal basis from the beginning, and it is not possible to know where Confirmed person is and which hospital is safe, so there are many deaths in the end. "
All The Butlers' talked about the new coined word 'Big-Tig-Tig-Tig', which is a term for a fat-stained person. Young people debated that 'producers' are COVID-19 influences, no.
Photo: SBS broadcast screen