The Return of Superman' Yoon Sang-hyun, Oscar Song school opens...Naon Na Hoon-a 'Tess-type' selection
'Oscar of the Year' actor Yoon Sang-hyun opens a singing classroom for children.
KBS 2TV The Return of Superman' (hereinafter referred to as The Return of Superman'), which will be broadcast on April 4, will visit viewers with the subtitle 'Spread into parenting'.
At the house of Yoonsam, there is a song classroom of sang yun Father. A song by sang hun Father, famous for singing actors, and Yoon Sam-yi, who inherited his blood, will also bring pleasure to viewers' rooms.
On this day, sang hun Father opened a surprise song classroom for Yoon Sam-yi who usually sings. In addition to releasing several sound sources, the song skills of sang hun Father, who appeared as a singer Oscar in the Drama Secret Garden, and the secrets are revealed.
First, Sang hun Father conducted sit-up training to raise the stomach. At this time, the appearance of the sit-up and the sang hun Father reminded me of the scenes of the Drama 'Secret Garden'. So, sang hun Father is the back door that asked the ambassador in a parody, "When did you come out so beautiful?" I wonder what kind of answer the question would have given.
Then, the exciting stage of sang hun Father and Yun Sam Lee was unfolded. The song selected by Na Hoon-a, who became a guitarist and a vocalist, was the 'Tess type' of Na Hoon-a. Expectations are high about how five-year-olds and four-year-olds will digest philosophical songs that ask Socra about life.
In addition, the stage of 'For You' by Jae-bum Lim, who is called together by sang hun Father and Father, was also unfolded. It is noteworthy that the stage where you can feel the sensitivity of Nae-eun, who surprised everyone with the singing ability and excellent emotional expression of sang hun Father who takes a microphone and sings seriously for a long time.