Broadcaster Kim Jong-kook delivered the 18-year long run's One-Punch Man, Vol. 2. Kim Jong-kook emphasized 'the power of positive'.
In SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on the 18th, Kim Jong-kook appeared as a new master and handed over steel life.
Kim Jong-kook is an original multi-tainer who is a singer and entertainer and long run. He has been reigning as a master of SBS Sunday entertainment for 18 years from 'X Man' to 'Running Man', and he expressed his impression that he was "so grateful".
On the One-Punch Man, Vol. 2, 18 years long run, "I was unhappy when I tried to do something well. If I think I’m losing money and giving up, I’m happy in myself. I’m so happy now.”
“What I think is very important is that when something bad and negative happens objectively, I find a positive part of it. “What if you hurt your hand?” “You think you can do more leg exercises, and then you’re good at hurting your hand.”
Meanwhile, Kim Jong-kook wrestled with Kim Dong-Hyun, a martial arts player, in an entertainment program five years ago, but was defeated.
Kim Jong-kook responded coolly, saying, "There is no burden when I stick with my friends who exercise honestly. I do not think it is natural for me to lose."
Disciples asked again, "You did not want to ask?" Kim Jong-kook said, "I would not have thought of asking. But let's show that he is not easy to lose. "
Lee Seung-gi's suggestion that he should give him a chance to revenge and unravel if he is unhappy is "Suddenly? It was not there. I am not unfair."
But Disciples did not give up, and as a result, Kim Jong-kook vs Kim Dong-Hyun's thigh wrestling was concluded.
The results were Kim Jong-kook's winning; Kim Jong-kook's strategy, which dragged time to the limit and exhausted Kim Dong-Hyun's stamina, was right.
Kim Jong-kook laughed at Kim Dong-Hyun by shouting "It's a hurdle!" And then spreading the ceremony.