Hardcore Holly Health routine by Kim Jong-kook will be unveiled at All The Butlers
On April 25, SBS All The Butlers will be broadcasted at 6:25 pm, and the Hardcore Holly Exercise Race track will be held without an exit prepared by Master Kim Jong-kook.
Kim Jong-kook, who gave delicious Exercise tips to members from the last broadcast to bed, will guide members to a gym called the Myuschulin restaurant this time. Kim Jong-kook, who could not hide his excitement about Exercise, showed extreme Exercise with different dimensions such as 'Squat 140kg carrying Kim Dong-Hyun'. The members were surprised to see Kim Jong-kook's back muscles, which were stimulated and angry, and that he was surprised that he felt "full of eggs in his crab-backed carapace".
In addition, the members challenged the 'circit training' of hell proposed by Kim Jong-kook. Kim Jong-kook table Mara Taste Exercise Race track without a break I wonder who will survive safely.