Yoo Jae-SukVSKim Jong-kook winner clashes...'Gifted and Talented' Judea team win for Ji Suk-jin performance (Running Man)

Lee Kwang-soo won the championship while Running Man' Judea award and Kim Dae-sang played.
On the 21st, SBS 'Good Sunday - Running Man' featured a special Race.
A simple memorial hall was built for the Grand Prize winners Yoo Jae-Suk and Kim Jong-kook. Each mission was a "class of the object" Race, which required members to choose one of the Judea and Kim's teams; ahead of the second mission, the members once again Choices the team leader. Ji Suk-jin, Yang Se-chan also chose Kim Jong-kook, while Song Ji-hyo also came in kneeling. Lee Kwang-soo chose Kim Jong-kook, saying, "Why did you get angry when you did not do the same thing with me?" The Yoo Jae-Suk team was Haha, Jeon So-min.
The second mission is 'Follow My Words', touching the body part of the host, and when the host shouts 'Over', catch the rip first and pour it on the other side's face. With Kim Jong-kook becoming the host, Song Ji-hyo and Jeon So-min played the showdown. Kim Jong-kook even cared about his posture as he shouted "toe, knee." When Kim Jong-kook did not think to shout 'Over', Song Ji-hyo eventually laughed with anger and Kim Jong-kook. "Don't you do it or not? How long will you be on your toes, knees," Song Ji-hyo revealed.
The next host, Ji Suk-jin. Yoo Jae-Suk, started Chuck Acting, and laughed, saying, "I'm so bored... I can't stand boring." The Ji Suk-jin progression has resumed, but Lee Kwang-soo has fallen down because of boredom. Lee Kwang-soo laughed when Yoo Jae-Suk shouted "Who's the sparrow" and washed her face with water. Ji Suk-jin finally shouted 'Over', but Yoo Jae-Suk only got up after Kim Jong-kook's waters and said, "Is it over? I'm asleep? ", adding a laugh: "Isn't it hypnosis, this is a foul," the Judea team said.
Next, you have to Choice the team leader who wants to eat together. The members wanted to Choices Yoo Jae-Suk, saying, "I want to eat rice comfortably," but I was afraid of the back end of Kim Jong-kook, saying, "I have to think well." Yang Se-chan, Jeon So-min and Song Ji-hyo ate ramen with Yoo Jae-Suk, while Ji Suk-jin, Lee Kwang-soo and Haha ate a protein diet with Kim Jong-kook.
Third team Choices time; Song Ji-hyo only chose Kim Jong-kook, while the rest of the members came into the Yoo Jae-Suk room. Judea's team members feared that "the end is now a big deal." Kim Jong-kook came in with a cool atmosphere, saying "I'm okay. The last mission was a 'wonderful quiz', with chances for each issue.
If the answer is not answered for three minutes, one team can go outside and search for hints. Yang Se-chan said, "Are you talking about me running all day?" Kim Jong-kook laughed at Song Ji-hyo by wearing a coat. The first problem was to move only one match to complete the equation; Ji Suk-jin hit the problem lightly, and hit the second problem. Ji Suk-jin was to get the third problem right, but mistakenly lost the right answer to Kim Jong-kook; Lee Kwang-soo said, "What if you are gifted? I can not get the right answer. "Ji Suk-jin succeeded to the last problem and led the Judea team to victory.
The final result was first place: Lee Kwang-soo, who won the Wangumji Trophy. The last place was Kim Jong-kook and Song Ji-hyo, who pointed to Jeon So-min as a penalty member.
Photo = SBS Broadcasting Screen