T1419 emanated a contradictory appeal.
T1419 released its new album 'BEFORE SUNRISE Part 2' (BEFORE SUNRISE Part. 2) on the 24 Days official SNS channel.
Two versions of the show created a conflicting atmosphere: the first version emanated charisma. The members dressed in black.
The second Image was the opposite: T1419 dressed in colourful colours and posed in colorful posing, with a clear, brilliant and free-spirited feel.
It's a high-speed comeback: T1419 debuted in January with "Asura Balbalta" (AsuraBALBALTA); it will release a new album in about a month after its activities ended.
It is expected to be an album with T14.19 million energy. It performed intensely with "Asura Balbalta." The new album foreshadowed a different charm.
Meanwhile, T1419 will announce Shinbo's Bipo Sunrise Part 2 on its main music site at 6 p.m. on the 31st.