Running Man' Ji Suk-jin laughed when he saw the members' birthday presents.
On the 28th SBS 'Good Sunday - Running Man', Ji Suk-jin's birthday feast was held.
members were surprised to see Ji Suk-jin's birthday prize, Lee Kwang-soo said, "I was surprised to know that there was something bad." Yoo Jae-Suk said, "The age is number, the mind is real." He said, "The mind should change the number and the age really."
members prepared gifts for Ji Suk-jin, who said: "Seok Jin-yi doesn't like gifts much, and he likes to give hope. For example, stock information, "and Kim Jong-kook said," Or introduce a rich brother. "
The members were residents in the running village, and it was the birthday of the village's elder, Ji Suk-jin, actually the birthday of Ji Suk-jin, a day after the recording day. Ji Suk-jin, who appeared, complained, "I thought I was wearing this," but the members did not care, but emphasized the health of Ji Suk-jin's birthday. Ji Suk-jin, who saw his picture, said, "I have a picture taken this time."
Yoo Jae-Suk, who saw the phrase "Bravo Yul Life," laughed when he said, "Let's shout out, Zirabo." "It is the oldest Variety," said Yoo Jae-Suk. "There are few people who are Variety in their 60s life." Jeon So-min showed a dance performance for Ji Suk-jin, and Ji Suk-jin learned the charm of the classics, saying, "I did not know why older seniors liked classical music, but it gets better."
The members then took out the gifts prepared for Ji Suk-jin. Jeon So-min handed over the dead lady, and Ji Suk-jin laughed, saying, "I have a wife." Yoo Jae-Suk prepared the gateball for the home-beater Ji Suk-jin, who said: "This is not the age to do this. I do a powerful thing, "but Yoo Jae-Suk did not care.
Kim Jong-kook's gift was a protein for the elderly. Song Ji-hyo prepared a scalp care shampoo and Lee Kwang-soo prepared Soap Bubbles for use in increasing lung capacity. Ji Suk-jin said, "Are you worried enough for me to do this?" but blew Soap Bubbles. Yang presented a mission bag and handed it a luxury box saying, "It's a joke, this is real." Ji Suk-jin could not hide his smile, saying, "I do not like luxury goods." But it was rubber gods that came out, and Ji Suk-jin threw rubber gods; Yoo Jae-Suk said, "This is K - Ug," and that it matches Ji Suk-jin's costume.
The last was a gift from Haha: a one-man sofa, a drawing book, and a painter hat; Ji Suk-jin also hit a gateball presented by Yoo Jae-Suk.
Photo = SBS Broadcasting Screen