Actors Lee Sang Yi and Lee Cho-hee have been happy with the couple Chemi, who still has been after the end of 'I went once'.
Lee Cho-hee posted on his instagram on the 9th, "Dajaerers are always my spring, always our spring."
Lee Cho-hee added, “I hope there is a way to say thank you, and I really appreciate it. I went with Park Jae-seok”
The photo shows Lee Cho-hee and Lee Sang Yi, who certify the billboards to celebrate Lee Cho-hee and Lee Sang Yi, who received the Best Couple Award at the 2020 KBS Acting Awards, by fans who love Dajae Couple (Dahee + Park Jae-seok).
Two people wearing masks on Hat, but I can feel the lovely atmosphere shown in “I’ve been there once.” The Margie-like couple Hat attracts attention.
On the other hand, KBS2 'I've Goed Once', which Lee Cho-hee and Lee Sang Yi played as Dajae Couple', received a lot of love, with the highest audience rating of 37%.