Eugene, a group from SES, thanked her husband Ki Tae-young, who was raising alone on behalf of her busy self.
In SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on February 14, Eugene, the main character of the drama Penthouse', appeared as master.
On this day, Eugene unveiled a cozy love house living with Ki Tae-young, daughter Rohee and Laureen. Interiors, where vintage and modernity coexist, and a magnificent house boasting an Océan view attracted attention.
"I feel vintage because it's a house I've lived in since my honeymoon - it's already my 10th anniversary," Eugene said. Lee Seung-gi asked, "Is it still like a honeymoon?" And Eugene firmly replied, "No," and laughed. Eugene laughed, "It's not a honeymoon but it's still good." Eugene's house was admirable for boasting of Océan views with its unique Interiors. "It's really pretty at night, I put my kids to bed and sit in a small chair and heal them saying, 'I'm over childcare,'" Eugene said.
Eugene, who served the members with sprout salmon rolls for dinner, presented his own baby lotion and shampoo for his father, Shin Sung-rok and Kim Dong-Hyun. Eugene said: "I think it's the hardest thing to do when I have a child, and my husband is watching the child because I work, and I'm suffering from the children for a year now, and I'm so grateful. We say 'please' to someone at home when we go out, it's 100 times easier to go out and work,' Kim Dong-Hyun said, "Really. I have seen Haru baby, but I said it was really great. "
Lee Seung-gi asked, "What if I go into work at the same time?" and Eugene said, "I've never done that before, I'm not doing it on purpose. When they work together, there is no one to look after the children, so (when the Penthouse is over), I would like to do something really good, but I will not do it. My brother is working, and I am supposed to do childcare. "
SBS Penthouse' is a return from Eugene's Choices in five years, which Eugene said was "a role proposed in five years, but it was too hard. I was really worried about whether or not to do it. The director, the writer actively dashed me. I wanted someone from another image to take on this role. "The Last Of Us: Left Behind was revealed.
Eugene said, "I thought this could be an opportunity, so I was challenged. I was afraid of what I would do if I could not digest well. I saw the comments this time, and it was fun and I was very abusive. There was a scene where I was fighting about my sister's role and high school trophy. But I was so scared to express my injustice. There was a comment saying, "What is your object?" It was worth receiving such a comment. I was trying harder to see it, and I think I had good results. "
Yang Se-hyeong said, "There are many words that Choices should be done during work and marriage, but when I see my sister, I think I should both work hard." Eugene said, "I think it is because of responsibility. I didn’t want to neglect either. I don’t look far. I don’t plan a year, and today is always important. I am careful to do my best in Haru today and live happily. "