All The Butlers' Shuka, "I can not follow my Paycheck with disparity" ... 'Why I have to do Investment'

Shuka reveals why he should do Investment
On SBS All The Butlers' broadcast on the 28th, economic mentor Shuka appeared as master.
On the day of the broadcast, Jung Eun-woo said, "I am interested in stocks, but I am not confident that I will pay much attention." "We do not have to do stocks, but we have to do Investment," Shuka advised.
Then Jung Eun-woo asked honestly, "If you save as much as you buy, you will get interest there, but why should you invest in risky assets?"
Shuka said, "I understand that thinking about it and I think it is a somewhat correct judgment. However, as time goes by, I think that my asset growth rate is slower than others. "He then released the KOSPI JiSoo graph in Korea. The KOSPI JiSoo repeats the ups and downs, but the market is idolized in the long run.
"One day, a sudden jump year comes," Shuka said. There is a time to jump once every 20, 15 or 10 years, and if you do not do Investment, you can not follow the people who do Investment. There is a disparity of nonsense wealth that can not be followed by my Paycheck. "
This means that when two people of the same Paycheck 10 years ago were 10 million won, one was invested in the first company in the market, and one was saved, the Investment was made 10 years later, which was 51.56 million won and the Saving was 14.8 million won.
"This is why I have to study Investment," Shuka said. "I roll Snowball, but when I roll Snowball, it gets bigger. If I don’t roll Snowball, I’ll keep my eyes on Snowball. But obviously, it should be an Investment somewhere so that the eyes continue to roll. "