sbs 'Firebird 2020' Seo Ha-joon heralds his intense first appearance with Seo Jin-in's Twins brother, Min Jung.
sbs Morning Drama Firebird 2020 (directed by Lee Hyun-jik/playplayplay by Lee Yu-jin/produced Samhwa Networks) is a timing reversal romance that depicts what happens when a rich woman and a poor man who divorced after marriage only by love are reunited after the economic situation reverses.
In the last broadcast, Lee Ji-eun (Hong Soo-Ah) and Jang Se-hoon (Jae-woo Lee) became more and more intimate relationships at the same time as the reunion, but they continue to love the continued opposition. Here, the triangle relationship deepened as the 'fragmental fiance' Seo Jin-in (Seo Ha-joon) awakened his love for the author.
Meanwhile, Firebird 2020 released its first Min Jung Steel Series of Seo Ha-joon, which plays two roles per person ahead of the 13th broadcast. Seo Ha-joon in the released SteelSeries is a 'Twins brother of Seo Jin-in', which emits a different charm. Unlike the Twins type Seo Jin-in, who always stuck to his intellectual style with a knife suit, neat pomade hairstyle and glasses as a corporate successor, Seo Min Jung shows off a warm and refreshing visual of a free-spirited man in a casual style of white shirts, jeans and comma hair.
Seo Min Jung predicts the charm of a bright and lively big dog with a different 180 degrees from his brother Seo Jin-in, who always lives a life of oppression and restraint by his father, such as living a free life like Bohemian. In particular, Seo Jin-in, in his first meeting with Lee Ji-eun, said, "Ji Eun seems to be better with my brother." At the same time as the first appearance of the irresistible and unstoppable Seo, it is noteworthy how to hit the first row of the house.
“Another Seo Ha-joon appears in the romance of Hong Soo-Ah, Jae-woo Lee, and Seo Ha-joon to announce the start of the blind relationship beyond the triangle,” said sbs’s Firebird 2020 production team. “I hope that the tangled blindness of four people will be ripe and cause tension.” In addition, he said, "Watch the two-player performance of Seo Ha-joon, who will come and go to the movie 'Twins Brother' Seo Jin-in and Min Jung, and the charm of the play and the play reversal."
Meanwhile, sbs Morning Drama Firebird 2020 will be broadcast every weekday at 8:35 am.