Park Bo-gum Completion Premony Proceeds to Promoteer Service in Navy Military Bandmasters' Battalion

Completion ceremony of Actor Park Bo-gum was held.
On the 8th, Park Bo-gum had a 699th Navy Completion ceremony at the Jinhae-gu unit base in Changwon, Yangsan after six weeks of training.
According to Navy, Park Bo-gum was faithfully motivated and trained; he was ordered to deploy his own squadron and is expected to serve as a cultural publicist for the Navy Military Band for 20 months.
Park Bo-gum joined the Yangsan Jinhae Navy Education Command on August 31st with 669 units and fulfilled his military service obligations.
Meanwhile, Park Bo-gum is meeting viewers with TVN 'Youth Record', which was filmed before enlistment, and is also about to release movies 'Seobok' and 'Wonderland'.
Park Bo-gum, Navy Completion ceremony Photo 'Eye-catching' Motivators and Training Deals to Serve for 20 Months as a Cultural Promotionalist